High quality ecological services in Scotland
We give you the highest professional standards as cost-effectively as possible, from homeowners to developers.
Get in touch early in your
project to prevent delays
We are here to support your projects from start to finish, so if you’re not sure what you need, reach out today.
The earlier we are involved in your project, the more we can adapt to your timeframes and help you navigate any seasonal requirements.
We offer a full suite of mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile surveys covering all protected species. Species covered include bats, badgers, otters, water voles, great crested newts, pine martens, and other protected species.
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We provide high quality, easy-to-read reporting on all of our ecological assessments. Covering Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), Phase 1 Habitat Surveys and Extended Phase 1 Surveys, Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), and National Vegetation Community (NVC) surveys.
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After your surveys, we will support you through all stages of licensing, mitigation, and subsequent monitoring where required.
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We are specialists in large-scale or advanced bat surveys and complex licensing processes, as well as bat call analysis, survey planning, tree surveys, passive monitoring, and radio tracking.
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For industry professionals we offer handling and licensing training through workshops and masterclasses.
We provide cross-industry training and CPD for architecture, pest control, construction, forestry, and other adjacent industries.
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We will need your location, proposed project, and any other information you have. If you don’t have any information from your Local Authority or other regulatory bodies we will guide you in finding out exactly what you need!
We quote all of our jobs based on their unique requirements and circumstances. This allows us to adapt to your needs and give you a full breakdown of costs.
Your quotation is no-obligation, so please reach out and our team will be happy to help.
The earlier in your project you get in touch, the more we can accommodate your deadlines and allow time for surveying, licensing, and mitigation.
Depending on the nature of your project, your location, and the findings of your surveys delays are possible but we will always aim to minimise disruption and protect your project and remain compliant with UK wildlife legislation.
We will work with you to keep your project on track. For many urban sites we can operate under our Low Impact Bat Licence (BLIMP), allowing us to move your project forward without delay. For rural sites, we may need to follow a formal licensing process. We have a 100% success rate and work closely with NatureScot and Natural England to progress your licence application.
Of course, there may be instances where we find a rarer species or a more complex roost type. When this happens we will provide you with advice and options relevant to your situation. We are here to help you navigate the process and will work with you closely to make sure you reach your desired outcomes!